Strategic framework
Our main objective is to deepen innovation in democracy by promoting collaborative governance. We seek to rethink the models of relationships between citizens, organised civil society and public institutions in order to involve citizens effectively in public decision-making and policy-making.
How do we do this?
Our main areas of work are:
1. Arantzazulab meeting place. Catalyst of innovation ecosystems.
2 Spreading Deliberative Democracy.
3. Localising the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. Transforming administrations. New approaches to activating society.
4. Gathering and sharing knowledge.
5. Imagining the future and reshaping policies through collective imagination.
6. Advanced sandboxes for eco-social transition.
Our basis and characteristics for the development of our work are: to act with an innovative and transformative approach; to promote cooperation and networking of different actors; to attract new international approaches and connect to advanced knowledge; and to work on our own values and principles.
Arantzazulab meeting space. Catalyst of innovation ecosystems
At Arantzazulab we promote new models of relationships between stakeholders and innovation ecosystems to deepen Collaborative Governance. Innovation ecosystems are networks formed by agents of transformation, which are coordinated and driven by stakeholders who are committed to connecting and working with other actors. We promote 4 different networks of actors:
Spreading deliberative democracy
We promote and facilitate the participation of society in the deliberation. The first year of the lab we decided to experiment with Deliberative Democracy as a tool for putting collaborative governance into practice. We promoted and launched two Citizen Assemblies for the first time as pioneering initiatives in our region Arantzazulab's ultimate goal in these two projects is to develop knowledge in relation to Deliberative
Democracy, generate local capacities, and create the conditions to institutionalise processes of deliberation in Basque institutions, introducing deliberation as a stable instrument to involve citizens in public decision-making.
We are currently designing new Citizens' Assemblies with different institutions in the Basque Country, and working towards the institutionalisation of this tool for democratic innovation.
“This process helped me consider group needs, the needs of others, and not just my own needs"; Member of the Assembly
“I arrived in Tolosa many years ago, and this is the first time I’ve felt I was part of something.”; Member of the Assembly
"The objective of the Citizen Assembly is “to involve citizens in the debate on a very important public issue and challenge, and this City Council is committed to monitoring and responding to these recommendations."; Olatz Peon, Mayor of Tolosa at the time of the Assembly
"As you see, we are a group of people of different ages, from different economic classes and social, and from different places in Gipuzkoa. And I am very proud to be part of this equipment. We have been able to do all this.
"; Member of the Assembly
"The experience has been rewarding. We have reached the end very well. I have learned many things and I am eager to learn more.
"; Member of the Assembly
Localising the 2030 Agenda
The 2030 Agenda is a United Nations agreement consisting of 17 goals to build a better future and is the basis for a new social contract. We want to contribute to this challenge and promote innovative projects to activate society in the development of the 2030 Agenda.